Workshop announcement

MHD Couette flows: experiments and models
29 February – 2 March 2004 Hotel Marina Palace, Acitrezza, Catania, ITALY

The workshop will be organized by Catania Astrophysical Observatory and the Astrophysics Section of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Catania University and it is intended to deal with the following scientific rationale:

The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is arguably one of the most important instabilities in the Universe. The formation of stars, the magnetism of protostellar discs, as well as the brightness of quasars have been accounted for by MRI. There are already linear and nonlinear simulations of this instability and now laboratory experiments are on the agenda. The workshop will discuss possible experiments to demonstrate its existence and its role in the dynamo theory. The design of existing and planned magnetic Couette flow experiments will also be a topic of discussion.

Registration fee: A registration fee of 100 EUR will be charged to the participants. The amount includes the use of the conference facilities, local transfers from Catania airport to the hotel, welcome reception, lunches, coffee breaks during the meeting and the Proceedings.

Hotel: We have booked a block of single and double rooms, at a reduced rate, at the Marina Palace Hotel. Prices per night, inclusive of breakfast, will be 72.00 Eur in double room for single occupancy and 105.00 Eur in double room. To be assured of a hotel room at the conference rates, requests for hotel reservations must be received not later than February 15th . They should mention “MHD Couette Flows - INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania" and should be sent by fax to “Marina Palace Hotel”, as it is explained in the link below .

Registration and deadline: To register please fill in the hotel and registration forms available below by February 15th.

Abstracts: Titles and abstracts of the scientific oral contributions must be sent to by February 5th. Posters will also be on display during the meeting (approx 4x5 A4 sheets).

A.Bonanno, S.Catalano, L.Rapisarda, D.Recupero, L.Santagati, C.Blanco, A.Cali'

Scientific Committee:
R.Rosner (Chicago, chair), A.Brandenburg (Copenhagen), R.Hollerbach (Glasgow), G.Ruediger (Potsdam, co-chair), D. Lathrop (Maryland), G.Belvedere (Catania)

List of partecipants

Scientific program


Hotel registration

Fishing Village of Acitrezza

City of Catania

For further information please contact: