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Selected and retrieved 17 abstracts.

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1 2008NewA...13..113C
1.00002/2008A      E  F          X                      R                          U      
Catanzaro, G.; Leone, F.; Busá, I.; Romano, P.
Spectroscopy of the hot pulsating star β Cephei. Velocities and EWs from C, N, O and Si lines

2 2007A&A...466.1089B
1.00005/2007A      E  F                                  R          S              U      
Busà, I.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Terranegra, L.; Andretta, V.; Gomez, M. T.
The Ca II infrared triplet as a stellar activity diagnostic. II. Test and calibration with high resolution observations

3 2007EAS....25..165D
1.00000/2007A      E                                                                  U      
Distefano, E.; Messina, S.; Cutispoto, G.; Parihar, P. S.; Comparato, M.; Busá, I.; Lanza, A. F.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Pagano, I.; Strassmeier, K. G.
ARCO: a program for Automatic Reduction of CCD Observations

4 2007EAS....25..161L
1.00000/2007A      E                                                                  U      
Lanza, A. F.; Bonomo, A. S.; Cutispoto, G.; Busã, I.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Messina, S.; Pagano, I.; Strassmeier, K. G.
Solar-Like Activity and Planetary Transits

5 2006MSAIS...9..229B
1.00000/2006A          F  G                                                          U      
Busà, I.; Andretta, V.; Gomez, M. T.; Terranegra, L.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.
SARG observations of 40 stars with different activity level: test for the R_{IRT} chromospheric activity indicator .

6 2005A&A...430..669A
1.00002/2005A      E  F                                  R  C      S              U      
Andretta, V.; Busà, I.; Gomez, M. T.; Terranegra, L.
The Ca II Infrared Triplet as a stellar activity diagnostic . I. Non-LTE photospheric profiles and definition of the RIRT indicator

7 2003csss...12.1134B
1.00010/2003A          F                          T      R                          U      
Busà, I.; Andretta, V.; Gomez, M. T.; Terranegra, L.
A Non-LTE Analysis of the Ca II Infrared Triplet as a Diagnostic Tool in Solar-type Stars

8 2003MSAIS...3..327P
1.00000/2003A          F  G      X                      R  C                      U      
Pagano, I.; Rodonò, M.; Bonanno, G.; Buson, L.; Cassatella, A.; De Martino, D.; Wamsteker, W.; Shustov, B.; Barstow, M.; Brosch, N.; and 17 coauthors
The World Space Observatory Project WSO/UV

9 2003IAUS..210P..D8L
1.00000/2003                                        T                                  U      
Lanzafame, A. C.; Busà, I.; Rodonò, M.
Chromospheric Two-Component NLTE Modelling of RS CVn Systems

10 2003ASPC..298..461R
1.00000/2003            F  G                      T          C                      U      
Ragaini, S.; Andretta, V.; Gomez, M. T.; Terranegra, L.; Busà, I.; Pagano, I.
GAIA spectroscopy of active solar-type stars

11 2003ASPC..298..403B
1.00000/2003            F  G                      T                                  U      
Busà, I.; Pagano, I.; Rodonò, M.; Gomez, M. T.; Andretta, V.; Terranegra, L.
NLTE line-blanketed CaII calculations for evaluation of GAIA spectroscopic performances

12 2001A&A...373..993B
1.00007/2001A      E  F                                  R  C                      U      
Busá, I.; Andretta, V.; Gomez, M. T.; Terranegra, L.
A method to estimate the effect of line blanketing in NLTE radiative transfer calculations

13 2001ASPC..223.1213B
1.00000/2001                                        T                                  U      
Busà, I.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Rodonò, M.
Chromospheric NLTE Modelling of the Active Binary System V 711 Tau Using Doppler Imaging Constraints (CD-ROM Directory: contribs/busa)

14 2000A&A...362..683L
1.00010/2000A      E  F  G                              R  C      S              U      
Lanzafame, A. C.; Busà, I.; Rodonò, M.
Chromospheric two-component NLTE modelling of the binary system V 711 Tau = HR 1099

15 2000ASPC..198..435B
1.00000/2000            F  G                      T      R                          U      
Busà, I.; Rodonò, M.; Pagano, I.; Neff, J. E.
Chromospheric imaging of the active binary system V711 Tau = HR 1099

16 1999A&A...350..571B
1.00010/1999A      E  F  G                  D          R  C      S              U      
Busà, I.; Pagano, I.; Rodonò, M.; Neff, J. E.; Lanzafame, A. C.
Chromospheric imaging of the active binary system V 711 Tauri = HR 1099 in December 1992

17 1996ASPC..109..641B
1.00000/1996            F  G                      T      R  C                      U      
Busa, I.; Pagano, I.; Rodono, M.; Neff, J. E.
Spectral imaging of the HR 1099 chromosphere in December 1992

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Databases queried:       Astronomy arXiv e-prints 
Authors:                 BUSA, I
arXiv categories:            astro-ph
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                          or gr-qc
                          or hep-ex
                          or hep-lat
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