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Most of my
scientific activity concerns the study of the Chemically Peculiar (CP)
of the main sequence.
The main characteristics of these stars, whose spectral type is between B and A,
- spectral lines with strength not consistent with the stellar effective
- large scale organized magnetic fields inferred via the Zeeman effect.
Typically the field strength is of the order of 103-104
- spectral, photometric and magnetic variability with a single period;
These features could be explained by using the oblique rotator model
proposed by Babcock and Stibbs. The model consists of:
- mainly dipolar magnetic field, whose axis is tilted with respect to the
rotational one
- non solar chemical abundances,
- non homogeneous distribution of chemical elements on the stellar surface.
In such a scenario the period of the observed variability is the stellar
rotational period.
